If you are installing a new conveyance or upgrading an existing conveyance, follow the process below to obtain a Certificate of Operation.
There are three types of permits as follows:
• Installation Permit: A new conveyance
• Major Alteration Permit: Extensive in scope and requires a complete acceptance inspection and applicable witnessed tests.
• Minor Alteration Permit: Minor in scope and requires acceptance inspection of only the component altered. An example of this would be, changes to cab flooring or paneling.
Construction Permit Sequence
- Contractor completes Permit Application and submits with processing fee ($300 = install or $150 = alteration) to OPS
- Obtain Permit from OPS construction must begin within:
- 1 year = installation permit
- 6 months = alteration permit
- Following construction - Owner or Contractor arranges for Acceptance Test and Inspection
- Acceptance Test is conducted by a licensed contractor and witnessed by a licensed inspector (Acceptance Inspection)
- Inspector submits report to owner
- Owner submits Inspection Report with processing fee of $30 to OPS for review
- OPS issues Certificate of Operation