Fund payments (reimbursements) are authorized by the generation of an FPR (Fund Payment Report). Once the Fund Analyst completes the reimbursement

application review, an FPR is created and sent to the Applicant which details the following information:
- Site information
- Amount submitted for reimbursement
- Application preparation costs (4z costs), if submitted
- Any percent reductions for non-compliance
- Other reductions, such as the $10,000 deductible for Original applications or fees/penalties due
Once the Fund Section Supervisor approves the FPR, it goes to the CDLE (Colorado Department of Labor and Employment) Finance department. Fund Section staff will then email the FPR to the Applicant and to the Applicant's representative who is designated on the application. The CDLE Finance department authorizes the direct deposit to the Applicant's bank account or generates a warrant (check).
The CDLE Finance department initiates the process of making direct deposits into an Applicant's bank account by creating a payment voucher which must be issued within 30 calendar days of the date of the FPR. The funds are transferred into the Applicant's bank account on the following day.
To authorize EFT payments, an Applicant needs to complete an EFT Direct Deposit Authorization Form. The estimated time for payment via EFT is shortened with usage of a direct deposit versus payment by warrant. When Fund staff send the FPR to the Finance department, the Fund staff provides a remittance file to the Applicant via email so that the Applicant is aware that a direct deposit payment is on the way. The remittance file details all payments for the applicant authorized on that particular date and the total amount of the deposit. If an Applicant is receiving payment for multiple applications, the direct deposit amount will be the total of all the applications.
The Finance department initiates this process by creating a payment voucher for the payment amount authorized by the FPR. The payment voucher must be issued within 30 calendar days of the date of the FPR. The warrant is then issued the following day and mailed to the Applicant via postal mail. Although the warrant is always addressed to the Applicant, a payment by warrant can be mailed to an address for someone other than the Applicant. To authorize the warrant to be sent to a different address, the Applicant needs to complete IRS form W-9 and place the name and address of the remit entity in the Address box on the left-hand side of the form. The Applicant's address is then placed in the Purchase Order box on the right-hand side of the form. Submit the completed W-9 form to the Fund Section when it is complete. An example of a completed W-9 form is included in the Original Application Example in the How Do I Get Reimbursed? guidance topic.
Interest is due to an applicant if the Fund Section does not process the reimbursement application within 90 working days of receipt or if payment is not made within 30 calendar days of the date of the FPR.
While it is extremely rare, interest due to the applicant is calculated by adding the amount of the payment and the Prime interest rate plus 3 points for every day past the close of the respective application or payment processing window. This calculation would be shown on the FPR and would result in a payment increase.
Vendor Offset is a system the State Controller uses to recover any debts owed to the State for any State Agency. For example, if a Fund applicant owes taxes to the Department of Revenue, the reimbursement payment the Applicant receives from the Fund will be reduced to cover the taxes. The State Controller's office will notify the applicant of this offset via mail.