
We Protect the Public and the Environment.

The Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) regulates those who own or operate amusement rides and devices, commercial boilers, conveyances (elevators and escalators) and retail fueling facilities and those who are permitted to use high explosives.

What's New

Effective January 1, 2025, Colorado state W-9 forms are available to download and complete. These can be viewed under the Petroleum "Forms" tab, or you can find it by visiting the direct link for blank Colorado W-9 forms.
The latest Combined Report template is now available on the Report Formats page.
Given our industry's ever-changing landscape, beginning January 1, 2025, OPS Petroleum Remediation will require all Lab Reports to be Certified (the PDF must be locked and uneditable before being received by the consultant).  This will ensure the PDF Lab Reports cannot be altered after they leave the lab's possession.