Continuing Education

The Recognized Environmental Professional (REP) continuing education requirement exists to enhance the technical skills and regulatory knowledge of REPs through education and training relevant to the investigation, assessment and remediation of environmental releases.


To recertify, a REP must demonstrate completion of a minimum of 24 professional development hours (PDHs) during the recertification period. PDHs are defined as hours of actual instruction obtained from OPS or external sources. No activity under ¬Ω-hour is reportable. PDH requirements are proportionally reduced by two PDHs per quarter for REPs entering the program in the middle of the recertification cycle.

The first recertification period is January 1, 2018 December 31, 2020. Use the REP Recertification Form to record completed PDHs that you attain by completing OPS-developed and externally-provided training and email it to OPS at cdle_remediation@state.co.us by January 31, 2021, for the first recertification period. OPS will notify REPs of their standing upon review of the recertification forms we receive.

Modifications to the continuing education requirement may be made for active duty in the armed forces of the United States and REPs experiencing physical disability, illness or other extenuating circumstances that affect their ability to complete the required PDHs.


Failure to comply with the continuing education requirements will jeopardize active REP status and could result in consequences including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Additional continuing education requirements (the REP would be considered an active REP assuming completion of the continuing education requirements within a specified timeframe)
  • Temporary inactive REP status (the REP would not be considered an active REP until the requirements are met)
  • Expired REP status (the REP would need to reapply)

REPs are responsible for maintaining records to support the completion of their PDHs. These records may include a logbook of:

  • Activity
  • Sponsoring organization
  • Location
  • Duration
  • Instructor/speaker name
  • PDHs earned

Examples of adequate records include:

  • Attendance verification record in the form of completion certificates or email correspondence associated with an online course evaluation form
  • Course summaries
  • Conference agendas with details of the sessions

While REPs must submit the REP Recertification Form (which summarizes the PDHs completed) to OPS by January 31, 2021, REPs should retain these additional records and make them available to OPS upon request.

OPS provided the following required courses during the 2018-2020 recertification period. While OPS is no longer providing these courses live, they are provided on our website for a refresher or for those who still need to take either of these courses. Please see the following section for more information:

  • Effective Corrective Action Plan Preparation
  • SMART Site Characterization and Conceptual Site Model Development

Completion of OPS-developed secondary courses, roundtable discussions or training modules is not be required, but it will qualify for PDHs. OPS welcomes your input regarding course content, so please send us your suggestions. Some secondary courses are:

OPS Provided Courses - Webinars

The following courses are now offered as a Recorded Webinar. If you had already taken either of these courses, you will not receive PDH's for retaking them. 

Course # of PDHs

Effective Corrective Action Plan Preparation

*This course is only worth the 5 PDH's if the following handouts are completed and emailed to: cdle_remediation@state.co.us

Online- Recorded Webinar5*
SMART Site Characterization and Conceptual Site Model DevelopmentOnline- Recorded Webinar3

Externally-derived PDHs will make up the remaining continuing education requirement. External training should reflect the REP program continuing education objective.

REPs can earn externally-derived PDHs through the following activities:

Activity Associated # of PDHs
Completing in-person or online industry training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, conventions and webinars1 PDH for each hour of attendance
Actively participating in technical or professional societies2 PDHs per organization per year
Teaching a course for the first time or teaching a course previously taught if substantial time was spent updating material2 PDHs for each hour of instruction
Completing accredited college courses with a passing grade of a C or better3 PDHs for each hour credit hour earned
Publishing professional papers4 PDHs for each published paper 

External Training Resources

The following is a partial list of external sources that provide classroom and web-based modules that contain qualified continuing education training.

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (SERDP-ESTCP)


Many topics related to characterization, remediation, project management, etc.

EPA Cleanup Information
Many topics related to characterization, remediation, project management, etc.

Lessons Learned from Using HRSC at LUST sites

Evaluating Remediation Workplans (presented by Tom)

LUST Corrective Action Training

Emerging Cleanup Tech

Conducting Slug Tests and Improving Results

Dragun Corporation
Robust Conceptual Site Models

Developing a Site Characterization Plan

National Water Quality Monitoring Council
Passive sampling devices for environmental monitoring: Tips for a successful study

National Ground Water Association
Hydrogeology 101 (warning: profanity)

H2A Environmental, Ltd.
LNAPL Baildown testing


Contact OPS with any questions regarding qualified external training activities, as OPS has final authority with respect to approval of courses and associated PDHs.

Some activities do not qualify, such as OSHA Hazwoper Training and training that does not meet the stated objective of enhancing the REP skills in investigation, assessment and remediation of environmental releases.