Petroleum Stakeholder Meeting: Wednesday, July 29

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The Division of Oil and Public Safety will be hosting a virtual Petroleum Stakeholder Meeting on July 29, 2020, at 1:00 pm.

The Division is seeking input relating to data and information gathering for the new COSTIS-IA system. Specifically, we are interested in understanding your preferences in how information will be submitted into the new system. Some current options include spreadsheet submittal or data entry into a web form.  The Division will release a list of questions to review for discussion prior to the meeting. Additionally, please feel free to use this form to submit any items that you would like addressed.  

The meeting will be held via Google Meet. To attend the meeting, just click this link or if you would like to call in, you can call +1 316-448-1268‚Ĩ PIN: ‚Ä™683 723 072‚Ĩ#. We look forward to answering your questions