Stakeholder Meeting #3: HB21-1095 Revisions to the Excavation Requirements Act

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Stakeholder Meeting #3
HB21-1095 Revisions to the Excavation Requirements Act (Title 9, Article 1.5, CRS)
Monday, January 10, 2022
10:00 am - Noon MT

Virtual via Google Meet
Link: meet.google.com/gig-jrpq-obm
Phone Number: 682-214-4275‬ 
Audio PIN: ‪485 222 946‬#

The Division of Oil and Public Safety invites you to participate in another stakeholder meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022, to discuss the progress made to implement educational and collaborative solutions related to the requirements of House Bill 21-1095 (811 Locate Exemption For County Road Maintenance) that will take effect June 1, 2022.

Please RSVP to let us know if you plan to attend. 

This meeting is fully virtual.

Forward this announcement to any of your colleagues who should attend.

If you have any questions, or if you need to request an accommodation, you may contact Jacquee Wilson at 303-318-8537 or jacquee.wilson@state.co.us